
file for Ian’s phenology analysis

Ian wants to quantify the overlap of flowering time between all pairs of plants in his experiment. This following R script reads his file with the flowering schedule of all 31 plants in his experiment and writes a file called ianPhenPairs.csv that has the flowering schedule of every possible pair combination (one per line). Note that there is a separate record for each plant as a sire and dam.

# script ian.phenology.r

pp <- read.csv("")


p <- merge(pp,pp, by = NULL)


31^2 == dim(p)[1]

write.csv(p, “ianPhenPairs.csv”, row.names = FALSE)

Stipa sticking spree!

Having stickered and scanned all of the collected Stipa seed (great job Ian, Hillary, and Lauren!) we’ve gone through and stuck them all into their foamy rows. 1700ish seeds later, we’re ready to plant out in the common garden! Here’s a few pictures:

