In late summer 2021, we began collecting data in remnant patches of prairie to quantify fire effects on the reproduction of Big Bluestem (Andropogon gerardii). In summer 2022, we revisited the same 378 random points across 27 remnant patches and counted the number of flowering Andropogon culms rooted within 1 m of the random point. Across the 378 plots, we counted 2442 culms. The highest density we observed was 197 culms in one plot at Loeffler Corner West, which beats our record from last year, 163 culms at KJs.
We also collected seed heads from all culms within 1 m of the random points to x-ray and quantify seed set. We initially visited random points on September 8, but some of the Andropogon was not ready to harvest, so we returned a few days later. We finished harvesting on September 19. In the lab, Elif has been developing a cleaning and x-ray protocol for Andropogon. Stay tuned for more details!
- Start year: 2021
- Location: Patches of remnant prairie in and around Solem Township, MN
- Overlaps with: Random points in remnants
- Data collected: Field datasheets are located in Dropbox: ~burnRems\remAndro\fieldData2022\remAndro2022DataSheet.scanned.pdf. We still need to do data entry.
- Samples or specimens collected: Seed heads collected during summer 2022 are currently in the seed dryer but will reside in Jared’s office. These samples will be cleaned, processed, and x-rayed to quantify seed set.
- Products: Stay tuned!
You can read more about the Andropogon fire and flowering in remnants experiment, as well as links to prior flog entries about this experiment, on the background page for this experiment.

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