
Final Poster!

Hi everyone,
I just wanted to thank everyone who helped me out in the field and helped give me advice on my poster. I am posing the final version below if anyone would like to look at it.


The end is near

helandechfinaldataset3.csvAs all of you know katie and I are leaving this weekend to go back up to CBG, and I am hoping that Echinacea will be just about done flowering at all of my sites by then. It is looking hopeful and today I had my first site that was done flowering! I still need to tag the Echinacea at some of my sites though. I finished entering most of my data this weekend, and am very excited to see what the graphs and analysis will reveal. I am posting the cvs files for Stuart below, and some pics of a very interesting bug katie found today
P1010558.JPGThumbnail image for P1010560.JPG

Project update

So far the phenology is going good, Heliopsis seems to be finishing up flowering, and I was able to pull some flags today! All the echinacea and coreopsis seem to be just at peak or a little past, while the carduss and flags are continuing to be mowed. I am starting to input my data and will probably have some preliminary graphs up next week!


yesterday a group of us had fun searching for orchids in the wet land prairie, that is until the mosquitoes found us. However we quickly recovered from the attack with an excellent meal and delicious chocolate bread pudding for desert. Here are a few pics from the day.


Update on my phenology project

My project seems to be going well, I now have all of the sites picked out and data recorded for them. I have now seen all four of my plants in bloom at least at one of the sites. Here are a few pics I was able to capture of some of them.



PDF for phenology proposal

Hi, I realized that not everyone will be able to open the file i saved my proposal in so here it in in a PDF format. phenology proposal.pdf

Co-flowering plant Phenology Proposal

Hello fellow floggers!

This is my first flog, so i’ll introduce myself.
My name is Laura and I currently go to school at Florida International University. I’m going to be senior in the fall and I’m majoring in Environmental Studies.
I have choose to do my independent study on determining the phenology of co-flowering plants whos pollen has been previously shown to interfere with Echinacea. I want to see if these plant’s phenologys overlap enough to potentially get enough of their pollen on Echinacea. Below is a link to my proposal. Also there is a great link to a list of indices in plant reproductive ecology that I came across while doing some research on the web.

If you have any questions or suggestions about my proposal please don’t hesitate to ask/tell.

proposal E.A.docx

Phenology indices.pdf