
Warren R.I.P.

Warren ventured into the Hjelm house again today. Gretel and Hattie & I tried to urge him to leave. Warren tried to hide, but Roxy found him and escorted him out.

Teucrium found

We went out for a family hike this afternoon and near a nice little wetland found a patch of Teucrium that’s still flowering. Details available upon request!

species richness in floral neighborhoods

Here are files with presence/absence of species within the 2m floral neighborhoods
fnc10mNeighborhood.csv and within 10m floral neighborhoods fnc2mNeighborhood.csv. The first is just a reorganization of FNC.csv and the second includes info from FNC.csv and from WITHIN10M.csv.

locations for Stipa

I attached a map of locations in the CG where we will plant Stipa seeds. Black dots are Echinacea locations, red circles are potential Stipa locations, and blue dots are locations we will plant this year. We will plant each Stipa seed relative to an Echinacea location, maybe 10 cm South or 20 cm North. Any thoughts?


Plan for the week

This week we are going to make big dents in CG measurements and our independent projects. We will measure the CG MWF morning and TTH afternoon. We’ll start T & Th morning with Phenology assessments and end off each morning with time to work on independent projects. Afternoons on MWF will be devoted to independent projects.

Be ready 8:30 Monday morning–with sunscreen on & visors synced–for a pep talk (it’ll be about efficiency & the well-oiled machine)!

day        AM                PM
Monday     measure CG        ind. proj.
Tuesday    phenology & i.p.  measure CG
Wednesday  measure CG        ind. proj.
Thursday   phenology & i.p.  measure CG
Friday     measure CG        ind. proj.
Saturday   phenology & off   off

Planting Stipa in CG

We are going to plant Stipa spartea seeds into the common garden. Here is a
file with target locations for ~2600 seeds. The seeds will be planting in ~269 batches. Here’s a list of the batches: allStipaStarts.csv Sometime before we plant, Caroline will share a photo of one of those Stipa seeds.

Measuring plants in the CG

Please review this protocol for measuring plants in the common garden.

co-flowering species

Kate and I made a list of species coflowering with Echinacea at Ri, LC, and rrx yesterday. These species are not within the 2m floral neighborhood, but are within 10 m of at least one of the observed plants. coflsp13jul2009.xls

lists of random numbers for visors

Here’s a snippet of code I used to generate files to upload to visors.

makeRandFileForVisor <- function(size = 50, fname = "xyz"){
                 file = paste("E:\shared\rand",
                 quote= FALSE,
                 row.names= FALSE, 
                 col.names= paste("rand",size,fname, sep="")) }
visors <- c("ag","dr","kg","ad","cr","gk",
for (i in visors) {

Team Echinacea

Photo from 2 July 2009, just after lunch break at the Hjelm house.


Daniel, Gretel, Mimi, Greg
Amy, Jennifer, Per, Hattie, Diedre
Kate, Allegra, Caroline, Amanda, Stuart
not shown: Ruth, Megan & Andrea