
Biking adventure

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Those are just 2 of the many cool encounters I had yesterday on my bike ride past Hegg Lake and through Runestone Park. I also saw: pelicans, an American egret, a hare, tons of red-winged blackbirds and many other birds I can’t yet identify, a wild turkey, a skink, and lots of interesting pollinators. I also saw some flowering Echinacea along the side of the road…I think Stuart probably knows about them (?) but I didn’t see any tags and there ones that had flowered last year as well.

I thought I’d also flog the decisions we’d made last week about chores. The tasks are:
>sweep daily: G3–Mimi, the front porch–Allegra, and inside–Gretel
>clean the table tops and put away chairs daily–Amanda
>organize the bins and flags in G3 daily–Daniel
>shake out the rugs once a week–Amanda
>clean the bathroom once a week–?



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