
International Pollinator Conference

Good evening Flogland!

I’m writing from Sacramento, CA, where I am staying for the 2019 International Pollinator Conference at UC Davis. Today I heard talks about new quantitative methods for studying pollinator ecology and I also learned a whole bunch about pollinator disease ecology. Tomorrow will be full of more pollinator-themed talks and I will present my poster in the afternoon. I’ll post a copy of my poster below. I’m looking forward to learning more tomorrow! That’s all for now,


Image result for international pollinator conference

Bees, Bhenology, and Beholding Basal Blants in “B”

Today was a legendary day in the history of Team Echinacea. It was raining this morning and we started late, but the weather fortunately cleared ub and the forecast was combletely ubended for a nice, sunny, day! The day brought glory. We went out to exberimental blot 2 this morning to take bhenology data and work on our new bulse-steady bollination exberiment. All went well with Echinacea in B2, and all was made astronomically better when the Wooster team found an Andrena nest just outside of the blot! WOOHOO! This was truly a great moment in the history of the Ison lab, as Jennifer’s goal of seeing an Andrena in its home was finally combleted.

            In the afternoon, we went out to B2 again to begin measuring the blot (we got nine rows done, but they had a TON of flowering heads). The Wooster crew dug ub the Andrena nest they found earlier in the day but were ultimately unable to find any cells that hold Andrena larvae. We did end a bit late, but it is safe to say that the skills we honed today in B2 are some we will be utilizing for the entire summer!

An Andrena mom walking into her nest!
Leadplant (Amorpha canescens, my favorite plant) is starting to flower!

Job Shadowing A Bee

Today began with the pulse/steady experiment at P2 in which pollen is collected and added to viable styles either on a daily basis (the steady part of the experiment) or every three days (yep – the pulse part of the experiment). The goal is to determine if a steady treatment of pollen to the styles versus the pulse treatment of pollen leads to greater seed set. We quickly found another reason to be impressed with bees and their pollen collecting ability. The bees typically had their pollen sacs quite full while we could barely muster up enough to use in our experiment.

The afternoon led to another planting expedition at West Central Area Schools (WCA) in Barrett, MN. The already 1700 or so Echinacea plants were united with The College of Wooster’s 300 plants. The twelve plots are filling up. The ultimate goal for these twelve plots is to determine how burning affects prairie, specifically if fall or spring burns are more beneficial to the prairie. Along with the Echinacea Team, WCA students will be able to use the plots for their own experiments along with assisting Stuart and The Echinacea Project for future years. A tremendous opportunity for our students to be able to be involved in a meaningful research experience while still in high school.

Erin, Ruth and Shea planted the basal plants in the WCA plots, making sure to get the correct plant in the correct location.

Soaking Up the Sun

Hello flog!

After returning from our long day of grit-cultivation in the wet prairie for the orchid-hunting excursion, the team started back with a hard day’s work here in Kensington. The morning included phenology for several different plots, including P2. As the plants progress through the process of flowering, some of them are already beginning to approach end flowering, or have even finished flowering completely! It’s crazy to see how fast they progress!

Almost done flowering!

After a lunch break, the afternoon included a contingent who trekked out to P8 to (finally) finish up measuring for the plot. Despite the grueling conditions of 90+ degree heat, the team pushed through to finally finish off the last few sections, which made for a satisfying end to the day.

Shea and John, powering through the last few sections of P8!

That’s all for now!


An Orchid Adventure

Hi flog!

Team Echinacea had an exciting weekend when Stuart, Riley, Julie, Amy, Avery, Miyauna, Jay, Erin, and I joined Gretel, who works at the Chicago Botanic Gardens, to monitor orchids at the wet prairie near Fertile, MN. We had a great time working with some new plants and learning about an ecosystem different from the ones we typically work with.

It was a long day, but we cultivated a lot of grit and were glad to help Gretel. We’re grateful that she gave us this opportunity and we’d be happy to help again!

Until next time flog!


Saturday adventures of the townhall and an update on my research

So, I have decided to break my flog posts in two so that readers can be updated on the goings-on of the team and my personal research.

Town Hall

Saturday started off with breakfast and everyone cleaning up the mess around the place that had accumulated all week. However, most of the cleaning was done while I showered. I did many of the dishes and emptied the dishwasher but when I got out to the living room I was blown away by how quickly 7 people can clean a kitchen, dining room, and living room.

After cleaning, some people (I believe Ren, Avery, and Miyauna) went grocery shopping and others (Erin, Jay, and myself) went to a coffee shop and then bought groceries for the week.

Jay and Erin at Starbucks.

When we returned to Townhall, Erin, Jay, Julie and I started a new game of Sundew Valley together. We had some trouble with it crashing in the beginning but we eventually got it going. Jay and Erin’s characters were accidentally wearing the same outfit (talk about a fashion faux pas…) and since I had never played before I spent ~15 minutes playing the fishing mini-game only to catch on herring and some seaweed. Despite Sundew Valleys innocent appearance the game is a lot more involved than I anticipated.

Not pictured is Julie who was sitting across from Jay… Sorry!

After some videogames, the whole gang watched the 2005 blockbuster hit and should-have-been-oscar-winner-for-best-picture movie, Sky High. Which some might describe as, “A clever hybrid of Harry Potter and The Incredibles”. Which I had purchased at an Alexandria gas station for $9.00.

Erin, Avery, Ren, Miyauna, Jay, and Riley watching Sky High.

Julie and Amy watching too!

At the end of the night some of us relaxed by watching Jeopardy episodes from the year 1999-2000. We were all amazed to see our work equipment as a part of the second place winner’s prize package.

Graffiti help anyone?

Then everyone went to sleep because everyone minus me had to get up for a 6 am adventure to check out orchids!

Personal Research Update

For our readers that are unfamiliar, I am Stuart’s incoming Ph.D. student starting in the Fall. So, this Summer has been a lot about me exploring the tallgrass prairies and beginning the research that I will be doing for the foreseeable future.

Here is a brief-ish research statement for what I am doing this Summer:

“Parasitic plants are keystone species in many environments they’re found in and they act as keystone species by playing a role in nutrient cycling and in prairies they are hypothesized as being keystone species by keeping dominant grasses in check by suppressing their growth. However, it is unknown if parasites are keystone species in prairies and if they are, it is unknown which species serve this role. Therefore, I aim to collect seeds from many common species that could possibly serve as hosts. I will do this in order to conduct an experiment in which I grow parasites and hosts together in order to determine the effects of parasites on common plant species.

Common potential hosts I aim to collect seed from are:

Asclepias, Solidago, Poa, Bromus, Hesperostipa, Liatris, Ratibida, Rudbeckia, Artemesia, Cirsium, Galium, Carex, Viola, Dalea, Amorpha, Amphicarpaea, Gentiana, Gentianopsis, Astragalus, Lathyrus, Geranium, Lotus, Phlox, Medicargo, Melilotus, Pediomelum, Trifolium, Vicia, Calylophus, Boechera, Rosa, Heuchera, Silene, Oenothera, Geum, Achillea, Apocynum, Delphinium, Erigeron, Helianthus, Koeleria, and more.”

Here is me with one of my parasitic plant species, Pedicularis canadensis.

P. canadensis was the first plant I collected seeds from this summer.

P. canadensis flowering stalks have already gone to seed and dispersed all of their seeds. Luckily they produce a ton of small seeds and I was able to quickly collect them all with the help of Julie, Riley, and Ruth earlier in the Summer.

I also collected seeds from Hesperostipa spartea (Porcupine Grass) and a handful of other host species. I have been struggling to finish collecting seeds from the parasitic Comandra umbellata (Bastard Toadflax) because many of its seeds have been eaten by some pesky granivore.

Some eaten C. umbellata fruits.

Luckily, I have been able to collect 1700 C. umbellata seeds and I am only 100 shy of my goal. Even luckier, some of the C. umbellata are beginning to flower again!

This is just one of many. Many haven’t even opened their buds yet! I hope they produce fruits I can collect.

This summer has already been a fun one and full of exciting events and challenges I’ve had to overcome. Here is to many more weeks in Minnesota and me accomplishing my fieldwork goals!

Also, I watched someone get airlifted when I was collecting C. umbellata fruits. Crazy… Hope they are doing alright!

Phen Fun!

Today was Phenology Phriday! Much of the team recorded flowering progress in P1, P2, and P8 this morning, where Erin found an adorable nest of baby Field Sparrows!

Amy and I split off to check on the plants in the remnants. Near East Elk Lake Road, I also practiced collecting Heliopsis helianthoides pollen for my upcoming pollen interference experiment. Excited to start my crosses next week!

The other teammates were also making progress on their projects. Jay finalized details for data collection for the Ash Annihilation experiment. Drake continued collecting seeds from parasitic Comandra and a variety of host plants. Meanwhile, Jennifer and Miyauna tried dipping bees in fluorescent dye to follow their activity around the plots. I must say, their new costumes look lovely!

In the afternoon, Shea, Miyauna, and Jennifer pinned the bees they caught earlier this week, while much of the team returned to P8 for a full afternoon of leaf measuring. We’ve nearly canvased the whole plot of basal plants with fresh toothpicks, so thoroughly that we almost ran out of toothpicks! Overall, a productive day in the field.

The Perfect Summer Day

Hey flog!

After a long few days of dreary weather, today was bright, sunny, and breezy. It was beautiful. Everyone got outside and worked on personal projects in the morning and we worked hard in P8 in the afternoon. and The team also got a visit from a local beekeeper today! We ended the day with a delcious watermelon and a trip to the beach- and an amazing sunset this evening.

Miyauna and Jennifer found a handsome green eyed bee in the field this morning
The team was visited by a local beekeeper who even let everyone partake in the honey straight from the comb.

Would you rather pin or leash a bee?

This chilly Wednesday morning started off in P2 where we completed yet another round of flower phenology. It won’t be long until we are going over end flowering protocol. There are over 1,000 heads in P2 alone this year and we have our hands full trying to keep up with their flowering rate. It rained on and off all day long, but we’re cultivating grit, and the fieldwork must carry on!

John and I have been very grateful to have Jennifer Ison and the Wooster students around this week. Jennifer taught us a lot of helpful tricks today for pinning the bees that we’ve collected in the yellow pan traps. John will attest, however, that old eyes and shaky hands that come as we get older, don’t make pinning any easier.

In other bee news, today Jennifer and Miyauna attempted to attach a string to a bee so they could watch it fly and attempt to recapture it. The idea of putting a bee on a leash was enough to get us laughing, but in the end, the attempt failed. We’ll have to wait and see what tomorrow brings.

Many of us ended the day in P8 where we continued our measuring of Echinacea seedlings. We have yet to find any more flowering plants out there, but we’re hopeful. The search for toothpicks and measuring of leaves went very well and the plants are looking great!

Until next time Flog, stay dry, and just know that we aren’t:) – Shea Issendorf

Wet weather and weeding wars

Today commenced with a group photo, now featuring the eastern contingent of Team Echinacea!

“Now a silly one!” was met with a chorus of “Umm…”s and blankly staring at one another, trying to remember how to be silly. Luckily, just about every other photo we took today was extremely silly.

The rainy weather limited our activities in the morning, but Stuart gave Jay, Julie and I a crash course in weeding sweet clover and bird’s foot trefoil, two weeds invading P1. The rain softens the soil and eases removal of tough tap roots. A little too much rain soaked me as I dug up my first trefoil, and after wrenching it free we fled back to Hjelm House for computer work and lunch.

After lunch we played an icebreaker game which, depending on whether you ask me or Riley, is called either Trainwreck or Shoe Game. We ran back and forth trading spots in a circle like a demented game of musical chairs and learned fun facts about one another, like who prefers to wear socks with sandals and who hates fishing.

Afterwards we trooped out to P2 to check twist ties and make sure we know where to find and how to identify every flowering Echinacea angustifolia head. We visit these plants about every other day and record every change in their condition. We write down their afflictions and celebrate their reproductive success. In short, we cherish them.

This is not the case for their close relatives, Echinacea pallida. The vigorous plants are The Enemy, and we advanced on them with gardening shears to smite their reproductive efforts. E. pallida is not native to Minnesota and could threaten the future of our familiar friend E. angustifolia through competition or outcrossing. We found that the severed heads are quite handy for fencing and flinging across the prairie.

Miyuana gleefully executes the interlopers while Riley stoically documents the slaughter
Ren cheerfully strews the corpses across the battlefield

Upon returning to Hjelm House Jay, Julie, Stuart and I took arms against a sea of trefoil and by opposing, ended them—hopefully? It’s tough to tell whether our efforts  will be sufficient, as trefoil has a nasty habit of snapping off at the shoot and leaving behind taproots from which new growth springs.

Jay brandishes trophies of war

Julie and I battled side-by-side with a root growing horizontally around a stone and the mother of all trefoil. I dug about 7 inches deep in the soil trying to extract the typically threadlike root system, but when it ultimately broke in my hands it still had the circumference of about a dime.

I taunt the trefoil with its monstrous and maimed comrade

Being plant scientists doesn’t mean we love every plant, and today was a better lesson in that than I’ve ever had before!