
Project Proposal–cswitzer

Proposal for summer research–cswitzer.docx

A preliminary project proposal

Im Ian Holmen, a new REU student on the Echinacea project this year. I arrived in K-town not over a week ago after just finishing up my sophomore year at Carleton College. I recently declared myself as a biology major (a tough call between Spanish, economics, chemistry, anthropology and all those other thought invoking studies), and am hoping to absorb as much as possible from this summer experience. I have just finished up a preliminary proposal for some independent research that I hope to carry out throughout the summer. The proposal is in need of some tweaking so if anyone has some suggestions please let me know. Otherwise, stay tuned for a updated (hopefully improved) proposal in the future.

Project Proposal (rough draft).pdf

Aphid Abundance Project Proposal! WOOOOOOO!

Hi I’m Lauren Hobbs. I am from a town in Wisconsin almost as small as K-town (aka Williams Bay). I attend UVA and am a psych major. Hence I am learning a lot already!! Fortunately, I found a friend here to work with!

Hi! My name is Hillary Lyons and I am from Olympia, WA. I am a biology major from Carleton College. I really like muskoxen.


PDF for phenology proposal

Hi, I realized that not everyone will be able to open the file i saved my proposal in so here it in in a PDF format. phenology proposal.pdf

PDF link for Pollinator Efficiency Outline

I realized not everyone can access a .docx file, so here is a PDF file link…

revised proposal.pdf

Co-flowering plant Phenology Proposal

Hello fellow floggers!

This is my first flog, so i’ll introduce myself.
My name is Laura and I currently go to school at Florida International University. I’m going to be senior in the fall and I’m majoring in Environmental Studies.
I have choose to do my independent study on determining the phenology of co-flowering plants whos pollen has been previously shown to interfere with Echinacea. I want to see if these plant’s phenologys overlap enough to potentially get enough of their pollen on Echinacea. Below is a link to my proposal. Also there is a great link to a list of indices in plant reproductive ecology that I came across while doing some research on the web.

If you have any questions or suggestions about my proposal please don’t hesitate to ask/tell.

proposal E.A.docx

Phenology indices.pdf

Outline for Pollinator Efficiency Experiment

Hello everyone!
For those of you who aren’t familiar with me, I’m Katie. I attend Lakeland College in WI. I’m going to be a Junior this year majoring in Biology, and I’m excited to be writing my first FLOG entry 🙂

Here is a file link to my outline of the research I will be doing this summer! If you have any questions or possible additions to the experiment, do not hesitate to comment!

revised proposal.docx

M’s partially revised proposal

Here’s what I’ve come up with for the revisions to my original proposal as of Friday’s group discussion; it is not in full form yet but I wanted to flog what I have so far so that people could read it and correct any mistakes I’ve made, make suggestions, etc.

jenkins echinacea proposal revised.doc

Oh and friday was a big day in the common garden because the first Echinacea plant (in the 99garden I believe) released its pollen. Tomorrow we will investigate to see if any more have followed suit. We also searched for spittle on Echinacea plants for an hour on friday to help Daniel know whether he has a sufficient sample size and found 22 with spittle on them in roughly half the garden.
And I like pretty pictures so here’s one for fun

Revised Plan

So, here is my revised project plan. I spent about 2 hours with Stuart today going over the procedure, and I think the randomization aspect and sampling aspect has been redesigned a bit better.
Please let me know what you think. A bit more revision is to come, but this gives the basic idea.

Today was a beautiful day on the prairie. Got to try out my new bike this morning, and rode to the farm in a half hour. That last hill is a killer though. This afternoon, I rode back along Unity Drive, and noticed some Brome grass that had its anthers sticking out. Mistook it for a new type of plant at first. Nice warm weather with a nice breeze, so wonderful bike riding on those gravel back roads. Pictures will come eventually!

Possible Aphid Proposal

So, here is my proposal for looking at aphid proportion and density in the different prairie remnants this summer, as well as the presence of spittlebugs. Please criticize and let me know what you think.


For the preliminary observations done to get an idea of the number of plants with aphids, I spent yesterday morning scanning the common garden for Aphids. I looked at rows 2, 3, 14, and 40, and wen through them up to the 20 meter mark. I found 3 plants with aphids and 5 with spittlebugs. For the younger plants, I scanned rows 51, 54, 55, and 56, and found 5 plants with spittlebugs and 3 with aphids. Given that I missed some, I would say that of the 270 plants looked at, roughly 2% had aphids.

Yesterday afternoon was also spent pressing plants, where I learned some of the finer points, such as ensuring that the flowers and leaves were well separated, how to fold some plants over, and to ensure that some leaves were turned over so that both sides of a leaf were captured. It is also very important to label clearly, and BEFORE you put the plant in the paper.

The little miss Runestone parade is today, and it is very likely that pictures of this event will be referenced or posted in later posts. (Depending on the varying levels of cuteness).

Also, here is the really cool paper on Spittlebugs, aphids and ants that I found:

Daniel R.