We have been very happy using ImageJ to count Echinacea seeds. ImageJ is free, open-source, public domain software. It runs on any platform.
We have also used ImageTool. This program is free and runs on Windows only.
Here is my dataset that I am working on analyzing in R as a .csv file. Stuart, here is my R script so far: I made new columns in the .csv spreadsheet for the factors and levels we discussed. I will work on a list of hypotheses to test. I think I changed the definition of “y” when I did my 24 hour analysis. Can I give “y” a different name for each analysis? Or does the code need to read a defined “y” each time? Thanks for the help and check out the graph of 24 hours and the summary m2. Allegra A list of equipment we need for demo was posted here: https://echinaceaproject.org/wp-content/uploads/2008/08/demography.html Here’s a snippet of R code showing how to extract info from the shrivel character data (a file is below… df <- data.frame(shrivel.txt =c("x", "xoxx", "xxxx", "oooo", "xoooo")) df # start off with this data frame str(df) df$shrivel.count <- nchar(as.character(df$shrivel.txt)) #add column vx <- gsub("o", "", df$shrivel.txt) # replace o with "" vx df$shrivel.xs <- nchar(vx) # make a new column in df vo <- gsub("x", "", df$shrivel.txt) # replace x with "" vo df$shrivel.os <- nchar(vo) # make a new column in df str(df) df # final data frame Here’s a snippet of code I used to generate files to upload to visors. makeRandFileForVisor <- function(size = 50, fname = "xyz"){ write.table(sample(1:size), file = paste("E:\shared\rand", size, fname, ".txt", sep=""), quote= FALSE, row.names= FALSE, col.names= paste("rand",size,fname, sep="")) } visors <- c("ag","dr","kg","ad","cr","gk", "mmj","mj","ah","gd","sw","rs") for (i in visors) { makeRandFileForVisor(20,i) makeRandFileForVisor(50,i) makeRandFileForVisor(100,i) makeRandFileForVisor(200,i) } Where is our study area? We focus on >6400 ha (25 square miles) of land that used to be tallgrass prairie and is now mostly used for agriculture (especially corn & soybeans). There are lakes and sloughs too. The study area comprises these 25 sections: T128 N R40 W: Plus, the area extends into the surrounding sections: This file lists flags in random orders suitable for pollinator observation tomorrow. Here’s the R code used: flagOrder <- function() { cat(cat(sample(LETTERS[1:8]),"n"), cat(sample(LETTERS[1:8]),"n"), cat(sample(LETTERS[1:8]),"n"), cat(sample(LETTERS[1:8]),"n"), cat(sample(LETTERS[1:8]),"n"), "n") } for (i in 1:20) flagOrder() Over the years I have made several notes about locations of Asclepias viridiflora individuals. I have not noted the species at Staffanson Prairie Preserve. I’ve copied notes below. I can show you where these plants are (on a map or live)… 2-July-1998 site eth 1-Aug-1998 site eth 23-July-1998 site nolf I have mapped an Asclepias viridiflora individual at NRRX. No notes, just the location. I have collected several seed pods from A. viridiflora at the landfill. Here are the records… Finally, here’s a note from my visor from earlier today. The yellow flags are at your prairie turnip plants. Note-to-megan 7/3/09 9:31 am landfill Asclepias viridiflora 2 fl plas between yel flags 1-02 & 1-28 1 fl pla between yel flags 1-31 & 1-52 1 fl pla SSE of yel flag 1-47 (far S) in dip I generated a list of 40 random UTM coordinates for SPP and posted them here: sppRandCoords.csv. Here’s the R code I used to generate random coordinates… df <- data.frame(order= 1:40, E= round(runif(40, 286100, 286900),2), N= round(runif(40, 5077080, 5077500),2)) write.csv(df, file= "sppRandCoords.csv", row.names= FALSE) I gleaned the rough SPP corner coordinates from Google Earth--UTM 15T: Here's a snippet of R code to make a plot of the points and to make a file with latitudes & longitudes.. df <- read.csv( "https://echinaceaproject.org/wp-content/uploads/sppRandCoords.csv") plot(df$E, df$N, asp = 1, type = "n") text(df$E, df$N, labels= df$order) require(PBSmapping) names(df) <- c("EID", "X", "Y") df <- as.EventData(df) attr(df, "projection") <- "UTM" attr(df, "zone") <- 15 fred <- convUL(df, km=FALSE) write.csv(fred, file= "sppRandLL.csv", row.names= FALSE) Here's a link to those 40 random points in a lat long projection sppRandLL.csv. Look at this paper to see some nice photos of Echinacea floral parts (Wist and Davis 2008). |
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