It’s been a busy spring at the lab: 11 volunteers and 6 students from Northwestern and Lake Forest College contributed to the Echinacea Project. We are currently wrapping up before field season starts, and we want to celebrate everything they accomplished in the last few months! Since January, volunteers and students:
- Finished cleaning cg2018 (4 bags)
- Cleaned 9 bags from cg2019 (only 4 left!)
- Finished scanning rem2020 and rem2021 (359 heads)
- Counted 194 heads from rem2020
- Finished randomizing rem2020 (221 heads)
- Randomized 227 heads from rem2021
And that’s just Echinacea. People also worked on several other prairie species: Liatris aspera, Lilium philadelphicum, and Andropogon gerardii.

In total, volunteers and cleaned ~1,014 Echinacea heads, scanned 359 heads, counted 194 heads, and randomized 448 heads. Citizen science at its best!
There are 106 heads from rem2021 left to randomize. Can we finish by next week???

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