Hello Echinacea Project Fan Base!
Today the group split up as we continued getting oriented with the project. Five of us went out to examine Railroad Crossing and Loeffler’s Corner prairie remnants. We split into two groups and analyzed each remnant to determine the species makeup, disturbance history, and land history of each remnant. After taking time in each of our groups, we came together and discussed what we saw and learned. Alex was our wonderful guide and was able to give plant information. After remnant analyzing, Alex gave us a driving tour of a couple of other prairie remnants during which we stopped to examine some Echinacea angustifolia whose buds were showing. Yay flowers!
Before and after lunch, Stuart gave everyone a power point presentation on details of the project and past and current results and data. Next, we weeded Bird’s-foot Trefoil from the roadside near an experimental plot and created a path from Hjelm House to that same plot. We then went over the organization of some experimental plots and learned how to use our high-tech data collection devices (see attached image).
Hopefully more sun is ahead!

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