Alex and I started my last day off with going to Hegg to do some total demo!!! Alex and I headed out and started our journey. We got out there and started to get some points where the echinachea is thanks to Darwin (the gps). We were just about to start when I realized we forgot our visors. So we were like “Oh Kennedy can get them on her way here after practice”. But sadly practice was running late and she wouldn’t get there early enough. So I headed back to Hjelm to retrieve our visors. By the time I got back to Hegg Alex mapped a good majority of the sight. A little while later Kennedy arrived just in time as we started!!! We finished in no time and brought the picnic table up onto the porch for lunch.
We got cake on our last day! Thanks to Mia! I cut the cake and of course Kennedy had to give me a little trouble on how I was cutting it! Well to be fair it’s hard to cut a cake into five pieces! After lunch we headed out to P1. We were working on rechecks!! It took a good amount of the afternoon and we ended up finding lots of mushrooms out there! AND THE SECOND SMALLEST MUSHROOM IN THE WORLD!!!
After we continued P1 we headed up to clean out our bags and say our goodbyes. Goodbye Team Echinachea!!! I’m going to miss all of you so much!!! Want to know what I learned over the summer, is that you never full appreciate something until you have to say goodbye. The team taught me well, and i’m glad I was there to be a part of it.

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