
p8 Is Complete!

Team Echinacea endured another warm day, but we got a good amount of work completed. In the morning, we worked on our individual projects. Wes took a trip out to Hegg Lake, I ran to Morris to pick up some soil testing equipment, Ashley chose the plants for her experiment, and Alex put out more yellow pan traps. Just to name a few of the things that went on.

(Top left clockwise) Team Echinacea after completing p8, rootbeer floats!, heading out to p8, measuring in p8.

After lunch we headed back out to p8 to finish measuring the last 21 rows of the q2 and q3 experiment. To make the process go a little smoother in the east part of the garden, a few metal detectors were used to find the meter marking nails.

Working together and efficiently we were successfully able to finish measuring!! After all the tapes were pulled in, we headed back to the Hjelm house for root beer floats. They were super refreshing!

Tomorrow’s agenda includes more phenology and some work on the aphid experiment.


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