
Monday Blue(skies)

It was a lovely day here in Minnesota! Echinacea East finally arrived to join the rest of the field team and what a great day for it!

We had a lovely outdoor lunch together before we went out in teams into the field for the first time. We met many cute little friends across the way.

Our next assignment was to make a quick journey to a different plot to remove some nonnative flowers. Stunning views were abundant and I was super excited to see a bumblebee, as usual.

We concluded our awesome day with some fresh watermelon, sweet and unsweet. Overall, it was an amazing introduction for Echinacea East into the all the fun we’ll be having in Minnesota. We can’t wait to see what tomorrow holds! Until next time 🙂


Echinacea East’s Big Bee Adventure

In honor of Pollinator Week last week, us here at Echinacea East had the chance to go out and explore all the pollinators had to offer.

Whether it was trying out some expert bees-in-action photography.

Catching and learning how to identify pollinators in our area.

Or maybe even learning how to pin, we had an excellent week full of adventure! Oh and of course, as many native plants as possible.

Have a great rest of the week and don’t forget to thank a pollinator today and everyday!


On Wednesdays, we wear lab coats

Hey flog!

It was another great Wednesday here in our Ohio lab! Mia and I dedicated most of our morning to PCRs, while Ren and Avery worked endlessly on the computers.

It was a special day as we got to run the student-led journal club for the other researchers in our building. It was a fun learning experience that Avery ran gracefully and smoothly.

Our little baby seeds are doing well and looking as cute as ever thanks to Seed Master Ren. We even are starting to see some true leaves come in!

That is all for today! Until next time flog 🙂


A productive Thursday at Echinacea East

Hello flog friends!

We are busy here in our Ohio lab working hard, getting stuff done, and having a great time doing it!

Bright and early in our morning, I accompanied Seed Master Ren to visit our little seeds after they’re first summer night in the growth chamber.

Avery, the President of PCR, and Mia, clumsy R ninja, continued running PCRs and getting all of that DNA information.

I even got to head down with Mia to the nanodrop (which was the coolest thing ever). The nanodrop definitely gave us some very interesting results.

We then all came together with Jennifer/Dr.Ison for a very fun and informative lunch gathering.

Ren would then go to check on the seeds and plant the ones that were ready to go! Now that some are planted, we are preparing to baby them as much as possible to get them through the rough first couple of weeks.

After all of this hard work, we even had some time for a lab coat selfie!

We shall see what amazing adventures the next day holds!

Have a great day flog!



Miyauna Incarnato

Echinacea Project 2019

Biology, The College of Wooster 2021

Research Interests: 

I am super fascinated with how life on this beautiful planet interacts and how truly interconnected everything is.  I am particularly interested in how these interactions, and the lose of certain interactions, affect the reproductive and developmental biology of organisms. What affects fertility, stem cells, organogenesis, the effects of fragmentation, ART, and more! Genetics and the process of life happening is so awesome, that I hope to study it in graduate school !


I was born and raised in Akron, Ohio. Along with being a biology major, I am also a Chinese minor and Education Licensure candidate at the College of Wooster. I love baking, hunting for great antique shops, trying fun food, and watching movies! I also enjoy hanging with my family, including my dogs, and exploring our urban parks. You can always find me singing, telling a story, or saying how cool science is.