
Rachael’s paper on Malo curves

Read Rachael’s final paper, in which she investigates the extent to which flowering schedules differ between plants with only one head and plants with multiple heads.

Sarah’s poster at the Northwestern Research Exposition

Sarah presented her poster, “Late, Isolated Plants Display Differing Reproductive Success in Echinacea angustifolia” at the Northwestern Undergraduate Research and Arts Exposition.  Here are some pictures from the event and her poster, which you can find here.

sarah_and_poster sarah_and_group

Rachael’s poster at the Northwestern Research Exposition

Rachael presented her poster, “Flowering schedules of Echinacea angustifolia” at the Northwestern Undergraduate Research and Arts Exposition.  Here are some pictures from the event and her poster, which you can find here.

rachael_and_poster rachael_and_group

Gordon’s poster at the Northwestern Research Exposition

Gordon presented his poster, “Prairie fires and reproductive success of the purple coneflower” at the Northwestern Undergraduate Research and Arts Exposition.  Here are some pictures from the event and his poster, which you can find here.


Danny attends the Midwest Mathematical Biology Conference

This past weekend, I attended the second, biannual Midwest Mathematical Biology Conference (MMBC) hosted at the University of Wisconsin La Crosse. There were a lot of great talks throughout the weekend including plenary speakers Dr. Louis Gross, Dr. Carina Curto, and Dr. Mark Craven. I learned a lot about mathematical biology, including a multitude of uses for differential equations and some great techniques in evolutionary computing. At the end of Saturday, there was a poster session that included 6 posters. After the poster session, most of the people at the conference went on a wonderful Mississippi River paddlewheel river boat replica and ate pizza.

The next day we had more great talks, then a long drive back to Chicago. You can find my poster in its new home in the lab, or you can see it here.

Standing with my poster in the atrium at UW Lacrosse

Standing with my poster in the atrium at UW Lacrosse

A beautiful view of the Mississippi River at sunset

A beautiful view of the Mississippi River at sunset

My poster in its new lab location.

My poster in its new lab location.

Nina’s poster

Nina presented her poster “Competitive Exclusion Between Echinacea angustifolia and Echinacea purpurea” at the Illinois Math and Science Academy student research symposium (aka the 28th Annual IMSAloquium) on April 28th.

You can read all of the abstracts. She gave a great presentation. It was a pleasure to have Nina on the team.

Taylor’s presentation at TLSAMP on Echinacea hybrids

Taylor presented a poster of her summer research on fitness of native, non-native, and hybrid Echinacea plants at the Tennessee Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation Conference. The meeting was held February 25-26, 2016 at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville. Taylor was awarded 3rd place in Science Poster Presentation category. Yay, Taylor!

GIS analysis of pollinator habitat

Read Ben’s Lee’s report and look at his map about pollinator habitat in Echinacea land.

Poster Version of Echinacea Seed Head Website

Hello! The poster version of the webpage displaying parts of an Echinacea seedhead is now available online, in pdf form. The poster displays the parts of an Echinacea seed head and the types of chaff that might be found while cleaning a seedhead, with many pictures. The link can be found here:

poster from GIS class

Here’s the poster that Jackie and Audrey made in their GIS class.