Team Echinacea was busy this summer! Over the last few weeks, we have been posting updates on projects from summer 2021. Here is the complete list.
Experiments with 2021 updates:
- Andropogon fire and flowering in exPt08
- Andropogon fire and flowering in remnants
- Aphid addition and exclusion
- Asclepias viridiflora demography
- Bringing science to the classroom videos
- Cirsium hillii fire & fitness
- Common garden experiment
- Community flowering phenology in remnants
- Demographic census in remnants
- Dust on flowering heads
- Dykstra’s interpopulation crosses
- Dykstra’s local adaptation
- Echinacea hybrids–exPt 6
- Echinacea hybrids–exPt 7
- Echinacea hybrids–exPt 9
- Echinacea pallida flowering phenology
- Experimental plot management
- Fire and seedling fitness in remnants
- Fire in recruitment experiment
- Flowering phenology in experimental plots
- Flowering phenology in remnants
- Gene flow in remnants
- Heritability of fitness–qGen1
- Heritability of fitness–qGen2 & qGen3
- Heritability of flowering time
- Hesperostipa fire and flowering
- Hesperostipa in exPt01
- Inbreeding experiment–INB1
- Inbreeding experiment–INB2
- Insects on flowering heads
- Interremnant crosses
- Liatris fire and flowering
- Liatris insects on flowering heads
- Lilium fire and flowering
- Miyauna mark recapture
- Phoenix trial in exPt01
- Phoenix trial in exPt05
- Pollen addition and exclusion
- Pollinator fidelity and prescribed burns
- Pollinators on roadsides
- Random points in remnants
- Reproductive fitness in remnants
- Ridley’s next generation rescue
- Seed addition transects in remnants
- Seedling establishment aka sling
- Task efficiency evaluation
- WCA Environmental Learning Center (exPt10)

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